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GB/T 27937.3-2011 MPR出版物 第3部分:通用制作规范

作者:标准资料网 时间:2024-05-18 18:21:22  浏览:8148   来源:标准资料网
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标准名称:MPR出版物 第3部分:通用制作规范
英文名称:MPR publication—Part 3:General rules of production
中标分类: 综合 >> 经济、文化 >> 图书馆、档案、文献与情报工作
ICS分类: 综合、术语学、标准化、文献 >> 信息学、出版 >>
发布部门:中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局 中国国家标准化管理委员会





前言 Ⅲ 引言 Ⅳ 1 范围 1 2 规范性引用文件 1 3 术语和定义 1 4 MPR出版物的构成 2 5 MPR出版物的标识 3 6 MPR书报刊制作规范 3 7 MPR数字媒体文件制作规范 4 附录A (规范性附录) MPR出版物标识的印刷位置 7


GB/T9851.2 印刷技术术语 第2部分:印前术语
GB/T12905—2000 条码术语
GB/T27937.1—2011 MPR出版物 第1部分:MPR码编码规则
GB/T27937.2 MPR出版物 第2部分:MPR码符号规范
CY/T48.2—2008 音像制品质量技术要求 第2部分:数字音频光盘(CD-DA)
CY/T50 出版术语

所属分类: 综合 经济 文化 图书馆 档案 文献与情报工作 综合 术语学 标准化 文献 信息学 出版
下载地址: 点击此处下载

Product Code:SAE J403
Title:Chemical Compositions of SAE Carbon Steels
Issuing Committee:Carbon And Alloy Steels Committee
Scope:In 1941, the SAE Iron and Steel Division, in collaboration with the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), made a major change in the method of expressing composition ranges for the SAE steels. The plan, as now applied, is based in general on narrower cast or heat analysis ranges plus certain product analysis allowances on individual samples, in place of the fixed ranges and limits without tolerances formerly provided for carbon and other elements in SAE steels.For years the variety of chemical compositions of steel has been a matter of concern in the steel industry. It was recognized that production of fewer grades of steel could result in improved deliveries and provide a better opportunity to achieve advances in technology, manufacturing practices, and quality, and thus develop more fully the possibilities of application inherent in those grades.Comprehensive and impartial studies were directed toward determining which of the many grades being specified were the ones in most common demand, and the feasibility of combining compositions having like requirements. From these studies, the most common grades of steel have been selected and kept in the current revision. The cast or heat chemical composition limits or ranges of these grades are given in Tables 1, 2, 3A, and 3B. These cast or heat limits or ranges are subject to standard variations for product analysis as given in SAE J409. Since AISI is no longer issuing steel grade designations, grades listed in this document are SAE grades.It is recognized that chemical compositions other than those listed in the previously mentioned tables will at times be needed for specialized applications or processing. When such a steel is required, the elements comprising the desired chemical composition are specified in one of three ways: (a) by a minimum limit, (b) by a maximum limit, or (c) by minimum and maximum limits, termed a range.